The Spring Experience S5 E7
Three turkey kills, Ty Green and TW Norman pull off a South Dakota double and then Dennis guides his daughter, Haydenn, to her first tom turkey. VICTORY OUTDOORS SEASON 5 Episode 7
Three turkey kills, Ty Green and TW Norman pull off a South Dakota double and then Dennis guides his daughter, Haydenn, to her first tom turkey. VICTORY OUTDOORS SEASON 5 Episode 7
Curtis Goettsch has spent most of his time this season behind the camera but in his first hunt out in front, he gets it done on a great Iowa Whitetail, but look at the buck that makes his way to his stand just minutes after his shot. Iowa truly is a bowhunter’s dream. VICTORY OUTDOORS […]
If you remember from part one of Low Pressured Whitetails, I discussed several options that hunters have to pursue whitetails that are not heavily pressured. I highlighted that chances of success dramatically increase when hunting pressure is minimalized. There are many options available for us to do this. Last time I focused on hunting public […]
Reminiscing over my whitetail hunting career which is probably quite a bit shorter than some of our readers (18 years), I realize now that I have been pretty blessed. Not just in the fact that I have been fortunate enough to take many quality bucks; but rather, that I have always had property to hunt that […]
I always think about, “how do I plan a trip? Where to go? and where to stay?… but on this trip to Kansas its starting to become tradition. As I usually do, I Googled the area checking all the spots I hunted last year to make sure they where still in the Kansas Walk Up […]
I believe its official, spring is here. After another cold Iowa winter we are finally seeing the days get longer the sun getting hotter and the turkeys are getting fired up. So as we begin to shift from looking for sheds to chasing love crazed long beards, I thought it appropriate to write a short […]
It seems like not that long ago I was invited on my first out of state turkey hunt. I have had the pleasure of hunting in several states over the years. I have hunted Missouri, Texas, Iowa, Nebraska, Kansas, Mississippi, South Dakota, and have been invited to hunt several other states. My love for turkey […]
The Calm Before the Storm I don’t know about you but I love this time of year. Not because I am seeing bucks behind every tree or the fact that the hunting is off the chain exciting. Actually for just the opposite reason. This period from about October 12th through the 25th everyone slows way […]
Hey guys today I want to introduce to you a big main frame eight point that we call “Chipper.” He earned his name because of the cut in his ear. When I saw the picture I said, “it looks like someone has taken a chip out of his ear.” So the name “Chipper” or “Chip” […]
As the “Hit List” comes together we have seven deer on our 120 acre lease in Southwest Iowa, any of which I would be happy to slap on a tag. Today I want to introduce you to a buck we call Mega-Tron. We have one picture of him in 2013 twenty yards from a stand […]
I am sure that we have all heard the phrase, “A trophy is in the eye of the beholder.” I believe this statement to be all too true when referring to whitetail deer. I have friends that will proudly take any opportunity at any deer that presents itself. They are happy to put some meat in the […]
One of my favorite things about summer is checking my trail cams. I went out yesterday and pulled 3 cards. I had a total of 4500 pics it seemed to take forever to go through them all. There are several things you stand to gain out of running your trail cams all summer long. 1. […]
As turkey season comes to a close, my mind is already shifting gears to chasing thick necked, big racked Iowa whitetails next fall. As I think about next deer season, I can’t help but reflect on the last. I am coming off of the best season I have had. Now, I don’t get to travel all […]
By: Skye Goode Women are traditionally homemakers and baby-raisers. Generally women have hobbies that keep them close to home or are incorporated with their children and other moms; nothing that requires them to leave the home for an extended period of time. Since the dawn of time, men have been the hunters, women the […]