VIDEO: XXTREME Clover Food Plot
Ryan Flugge seeds his XXTREME Clover Food Plot mix by Monster RAXX. Don’t miss out on the action subscribe to our YouTube Channel @ http://bit.ly/1jvQqit
Ryan Flugge seeds his XXTREME Clover Food Plot mix by Monster RAXX. Don’t miss out on the action subscribe to our YouTube Channel @ http://bit.ly/1jvQqit
Sometimes I would rather be lucky than good. I have found myself saying that a few times this spring oddly. It has been a rough year to shed hunt for me, between deer not dropping antlers, snow, and work, I just haven’t seen the time that I would have liked. While actually out looking for […]
While growing up, I never had a chance to build much of a history with any deer. So lately, I have been blessed with some prime ground, and great opportunities to build history. I started becoming selective, letting my deer get some age to them, and only pursuing a few each year. There is nothing […]
In this video Ryan is trying to get some trees cleared for an XXTREME Clover food plot new for 2014 from Monster RAXX. In the process of clearing the trees for this food plot, he is using the cut trees to make screens and pinch points. By pushing the the trees on the side of […]
From all of us at Victory Outdoors, Thank You for you support and enjoy this video!
Heading into the 2013 shotgun deer season, there are always high hopes among the group of the big bucks they had been seeing. After the first four days, they hadn’t seen “the big one”. After a phone call from a neighbor it was confirmed, that buck was dead since bow season. After talking to the […]
Follow along with Ryan Flugge and Taylor Daubenberger in Southwest Iowa as they have a close encounter with a big buck not once, but twice!
The buck was only 50 yards away, but we couldn’t get him on camera. Anyone ever have this happen to you? It’s frustrating to say the least. You spend all year working on getting your stands prepped and lanes trimmed open, and then forget one thing. Now not everyone has a camera person in tow […]
Well after a very hectic weekend, we got the time to get the equipment into the woods to finish setting up the Redneck Blind. After getting everything into the woods, we stared at one minor problem that we saw. The blind was going to be too awkward for the forks on the skid loader. So […]
Follow along as I get creative on getting the Redneck Hunting Blind back to my food plot and set up
A few weeks back the Victory Outdoors Crew got together for a team weekend. Okay so the idea was for us to get together and plan for this fall. Who hunting when, where, and with who. So that we are all ready to bring all of you the best stories, photos and videos this coming […]
Here are a SIX more bucks that I have added to my hitlist. I know with the first few bucks that started my hitlist, I have had more history with those deer. These deer are however, unfamiliar to me for the most part. I have one farm that is a natural funnel between two huge […]
Righty– First and foremost on my list, mainly because he has been an absolute ghost throughout our years of hunting chess. This is the first and only picture I have of him. Splits– This buck is on my hit list for an obvious reason. I had his pictures last year and figured he needed a […]