Okay it’s that time of the year to start putting together a Potential Hitlist of bucks we might like to shoot. Now I did say “potential” because trail cam pictures are great but they can be deceiving. Sometimes I just need to see that buck to know for sure if he is a shooter. Most of these I know are shooters but there are a few that I think would get a pass until next year. In this post I’ll show off 5 bucks that so far make the list.
First up “Crab Claw” Last year this buck had crab claw G4s thus the name. He has grown a bit since last year and is a solid shooter on this farm. I passed on him last year during shotgun season and the landowner passed him up during bow season. Glad we did, he is a much better buck this year. My hunting buddies and I have been watching this buck for two years his name no longer really fits as his G4s have grown nicely.
This is a buck we called “High 9er” but we had to change the name a bit. He no longer a 9 point buck, so we are going to call him “2 Tall Tank”, he is an older buck 5.5 maybe 6.5, he broke off his left side last year. The year before, he was just as big, it wasn’t until this year he topped 150 just doesn’t have great genetics. The landowner almost shot him during bow season last year because he had not seen, he was sporting half a rack. We have been watching this buck for the last 3 seasons.
“Shorty G2” well the name tells you something about this buck. This is one of the bucks I would like to see pictures of out of velvet mostly because he looks to have great mass. If he does, he will be a shooter but if not he may get issued a pass, at least by me that is. For this farm if I’m hunting here and the buck is over 150 inches I would shoot it. Why?… well this farm is very small and heck a 150 inch buck is a great buck anywhere. At any rate I need to see more of this buck before I make my mind up.
Next up “Dropster” he is a good buck with a droptine, he is new not sure we have ever seen him on this farm before. Great looking buck hope he doesn’t break it off. He makes the list for sure, although looking at his body he does appear to be a younger buck. I would put him at three and a half, and really with the other great bucks on this farm he should get a pass but I don’t think any of us will pass on him if he still is sporting that droptine.
“Hard Right” is a good looking but that has a strange looking right side with an extra tine. Great buck but again this is a buck we will need to see more of in order to see if he is a shooter.