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My hunting passion was started at a young age. Watching my Dad and Uncles hunt for deer, pheasants, and quail. I was hooked. I started by shooting sparrows with a bb gun. As I continued to grow so did my drive to hunt and fish. When I turned 14 and had completed hunter safety it was time to hunt doves and deer. I shot my first deer at the age of 16 with a rifle in Nebraska. As I got older I found archery hunting, shooting my first deer with a bow was a new found passion. After that I put the rifle away and it was archery and muzzleloader from their on.

Ryan’s 1st Card Pull

SUNP0087The great thing about having trail cams out is the anticipation of the upcoming season and wondering if you will see the deer you are getting pictures of. This year is no different camera’s are out and the picture’s of nice deer are coming in from nice bucks to does and fawns. Sometimes I want to check them everyday but I hold myself back and try to wait a couple weeks between checking so far it has pay off using my truck to drive as close as I can and using rubber boots and gloves to control my sent. As the time goes on i hope to continue to track some of the bigger deer on the farm a couple in particular one has a notch on his right ear and the other has  bigger frame on his  to be hard to resist because of his age. Regardless of which one comes by my main goal is to get it on video for people to watch. I will be updating my trail camera pictures as they come in so keep checking back here on Victory Outdoors to see many more.

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