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When I’m not hunting or fishing you will catch me honing my bow skills on the 3D range, living in Missouri offers a wide variety of outdoor activities. I hope you will stay tuned to Victory Outdoors for my blog posts and informative videos.

Missouri a Great Place to Hunt..

666417307_sxxep-oGrowing up hunting here in Missouri was a learning experience.  I can remember getting my first bow and thinking were do I start because back then all my buddies had bows and for us bowhunting something new but as I grew up and kept practicing  shooting my  bow  that’s when I can remember as soon as I was out of school each day  and as soon as I got home my buddies and I would hit the woods and that’s when  I was also learning what Missouri had to offer in hunting and what the Missouri Department of Conservation was doing to Improve  not only the deer hunting but all hunting not only do we have great deer hunting in Mo but we have some of the best turkey hunting ,small game hunting ,duck and goose hunting and in a couple of years we will also have elk hunting with the Restoration of the Elk. Here is  a little history on the Missouri Elk

elkElk were found throughout Missouri prior to European settlement. Historical accounts indicate elk were likely extirpated from the state by 1865. Prompted by citizen requests, the Department conducted an elk reintroduction feasibility study in 2000. Results of the study indicated that elk restoration in Missouri was biologically feasible in portions of the Ozarks, and statewide the public supported the restoration of elk. However, several considerations complicated the restoration of elk at the time. Due to chronic wasting disease and habitat concerns, the Commission suspended the Department’s consideration of an elk restoration in 2001, and directed staff to facilitate additional discussions to determine if concerns regarding elk restoration could be addressed to the satisfaction of citizens.


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