2015-2016 was a season for the record books, but in a negative way. Not a total failing year but not a year I’m going to have again I hope.
Starting off earlier then ever before, I obtained a Nebraska tag this year. September ruled around and it was like Christmas morning for me. My first ever time hunting out of the state so yes I was the most excited person ever. My first trip to central Ne. was fun in a since of friend time. It was very hunt and so wrong for hunting but again, my first trip ever, so I had fun. Didn’t see a single deer that trip out but the camp life was well worth it for me.
When October rolled around I was hitting the stands hard back in Iowa. Here if put in my time, scouted my deer, and was more then ready to see the big boys. Sure enough the first two weekends I saw 2 of my 4 bucks I had names for. However, they were the bottom two on my list and was pleased to let them pass.
Later in October was Nebraska trip number two. Here we went further west closer to Valentine Ne. Here we had more ground to hunt, cooler weather, and on a conservancy. My hopes were with the mule deer on this trip. However that was shut down real quick when we realized the only muleys we had on the property were one and two year olds. Focus then turned onto a whitetail. I had many opportunities at smaller bucks but nothing I was comfortable with taking, especially since I could drive 20 minutes to Nebraska and hunt state ground. The trip was eventful and it was a neat experience but I fell short handed.
Back in Iowa the rut was on. Finally, one morning I saw my top buck but at 56 yards and decided to pass on that shot. Sadly for me that was the last time I saw him all year long. Putting my time in that stand I soon found out another hunter hung 3 stands all within 25 yards of mine. After blown hunts and tempers rising I decided I should just leave the spot I have been hunting for years.
Early muzzleloader season came along with the snow in December. I had one spot I didn’t hunt all bow season so it would be fresh for muzzleloader. Sure enough I went to sit in the blind after seeing hundreds of fresh tracks across the snow, only to see something disappointing. Walked to were my blind was and someone stole my blind, took my stools, put up there own blind and used my stools in there’s. Needless to say it did cross my mind to shoot that blind. I was so angry and frustrated that it took me in disbelief that my year could turn like this. That hunters are dropping to these levels all to shoot a big buck.
There are unwritten rules in the outdoorsman book and a lot of those rules were broken on me this year. I hope all you reading this keep your morals straight and treat others how you want to be treated, in and out of the field. Hopefully next year brings me less disappointment and more memories.