Brandon Wetzel, Field Producer and Photographer
Watch his 2013 Turkey Hunt!
Brandon Wetzel, Field Producer and Photographer
Born and raised in Central PA, I have been hunting and fishing for as long as I can remember. My biggest passion is hunting whitetail deer with a bow. To me there is no greater accomplishment then to get a trophy class buck with a bow on film and I have documented it numerous times over the years. I first started hunting at the age of 12, and to date have taken 18 of 22 whitetail harvests with a bow. When I’m not hunting I am preparing for the next season. Shed hunting, using mineral sites, summer scouting, and setting up trail cameras to pattern bucks are all a part of my preparation in bagging the next trophy on the hit list. One day I hope to start a family of my own and pass on to my kids what my father taught me about the outdoors. For me, it’s not just a passion, it’s a way of life.