As an avid turkey hunter, I’m a call freak!!! I seem to have a call of every kind or make, box calls, tube calls, mouth calls, pot calls with every kind of surface. I like my collection of calls. Some get hunted some are for show and some I run only in calling contests at a recent calling contest I met a newcomer to calling Edwin Shirts. I knew him somewhat already from facebook. After starting to talk to Edwin it didn’t take long for me to figure out that he kind of likes turkey hunting. Maybe liked isn’t the right word he loves it and because of this he started making turkey calls and calling in contests. See I have yet to dive off into making my own call, maybe someday, but that love for turkey hunting was what got me started contest calling.
Now this type of call is not super rare but not a call found in everyone’s hunting vest- the wingbone call. Believe it or not up until that day I had never tried to run a wingbone call. Sure I had seen them for sale and saw lots of custom made wingbone calls in my travels. Edwin let me try a few of them and well it took some learning to get it figured out but after working at it, I could make a sound that sounded a little like a turkey. Now Edwin can run them much better then I and with work really anyone can. I did buy a call from Edwin that day and after working on it I’m confident I will use it this fall, not because I need too, I just like trying new things. So I’ll set out this fall with my Mr. Wingbone’s Calls
and try to tag a fall turkey. Then I plan to have Edwin make me a call from my turkey’s wingbone. What a cool spin on a trophy, that way I’ll be able to take that trophy into the woods.
When I thought I had seen it all Edwin breaks out something I can say I have never seen, first it was these mini wingbone calls made from chicken wingbones. I had to laugh; I was like Really….Really man, you’re trying to selling me a mini wingbone. Then he said I know but listen to this thing, it has a great high pitch to it and will Kee Kee great. Edwin wasn’t done there, he pulls out what looks like a half of a whitetail shed antler, but no, he has hollowed it out and put part of a wingbone in it and made yet another call I had never seen. These are very cool and a great conversion piece for any turkey camp. He can add custom artwork to any of his calls and they sound great as well. October can’t get here fast enough for me so I can get out and get in the turkey world and give these a try. Like I said I’m a call freak and have a ton of different kinds of calls but nothing like any of these, I’m always up for a new challenge and this fall it will be to tag a turkey using one of Mr. Wingbone’s Calls, I’ll be sure to post updates.