Two years ago I took my husband on his first rifle deer hunt and we were successful in him harvesting a mature doe. This year he is “Joining the Club”… the archery club that is. Last year he said that he wanted to go again and though we were unsuccessful in filling his tags (I got a bit excited and took his buck) we still shared some great time together in the woods. He joined me on a few occasions in a blind while I bow hunted and the experience that we shared are unforgettable. Recently I have been trying to talk him into picking up a bow and giving bow hunting a shot or for that matter target shooting. It would give us yet another thing to share and allow more time the woods together in a stand.

The problem was we were not wishing to spend a fortune on a bow that he may only use once or twice and decide that he did not like to archery shoot. I was in need of having my bow tuned to prepare for the upcoming archery season in a month and a half and my husband, Eric, decided to come along. As I had my bow checked and then did target practice he was looking at the bow selection. He had never shot a compound bow used for hunting and we found a gently used bow that would suite his needs. The staff at my local archery shop is top notch, they know me by name and helped set my husband up and show him step by step how to draw his bow back, shoot and find his anchor point. We could not beat the sale price and after getting his new bow hooked up with a sight, rest and quiver (along with some arrows) he went back into the range to sight in his new bow.

His groupings were great the first round, with some minor adjusting he was hitting the bull’s-eye at 10 yards and then at 20. We have a month and a half before bow season opens here in Missouri and we have both put in for a managed deer hunt at one of our local public conservation lands. I am thrilled to have my husband join this very elite and growing community of bow hunters. I am thrilled to have him join me in a treestand and hope to share in his first bow harvest. Remember, bow season is just around the corner for many states and it is never too late to take your bow in, get it tuned and checked before you hit the range and practice, practice practice.