I haven’t had any luck this year hunting, but I pulled camera cards over the weekend and I can tell November is getting closer. I have a couple good bucks making random appearances along the river and my scrape cam is starting to pick up. The ridge cam has been a bit of a disappointment, although there was a good buck there during daylight this morning, and of course I decided to sit about 150 yards away on the edge of some standing corn hoping to intercept a buck on his way to the higher ground they prefer for bedding. It’s probably for the best, since there are older deer on the property, and I’m sure it would have taken some serious restraint to pass that buck.
The scrape cam has been a bit of a letdown, since three years ago I was getting most of the bucks in the area working this scrape. Now it seems it’s an afterthought for them to check it, although it seems to be coming back a bit and drawing a good number of bucks recently. The majority of bucks checking it are young. Hopefully the older guys start working it, but it’s also nice to get an idea of what bucks are around to look forward to watching over the next few years.