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Reflect on each post as if it’s a live feed into the life of a “365 day a year whitetail & turkey fanatic”!

Food Plots, Well Watered

June 2nd was the day this plot was planted!

June 2nd was the day this plot was planted!

My oh my, what a difference a year makes. My poor food plots did ok last year but I could only imagine what they could have been with a little rain. This year I have had 10 inches of rain on them in the first month. They are growing and now I could use some warm sunny days to help kick start the growth.

I’m not going to complain because from what I can tell, the seed took off well and for this stage it’s a great stand. I planted BioLogic Hot Spot. So what is BioLogic Hot Spot? It’s a scientifically selected blend of winter peas and buckwheat designed to be fast-germinating, extremely attractive to deer and incredibly easy to plant. No soil-tilling is required; simply clear the ground and rake it in. Ideal for planting near treestands and in woodland clearings and that is just what we use it for.

Growing ten days later!

Growing ten days later!

One thing I find that is over looked with these kinds of food plots is fertilizer. Most of the time it’s because in our corn and soybean food plots we put this on at the same time it’s planted or before it is planted. Because I plant these in June and not in August, like many of you might, I wait to add fertilizer until early September. Why? Well the deer start to really hit these plots in mid to late September. So I’ll give the stand a little boast, in hopes that I still have an attractive food plot. Timing is everything if it is raining it’s a good time to fertilize. If it’s 90 and dry that is not the time, you will burn the plot.

How much fertilizer? All that is needed for each 20-yard by 20-yard area is one 40 pound bag of 10-10-10. Just make sure if it is some kind of lawn fertilizer that it is NOT WEED & FEED. You want to Feed but not weed.

This is just a cool picture

Just a cool picture – 15 Days After Planting

Each one of these cost me about two hours of my time, one 5 pound bag of BioLogic Hot Spot ($12.99) and a 40 pound bag of fertilizer ($20.00).

Like I said it is coming along great and I will continue to update as these food plots grow. If you would like to see the video on how we planted these plots you can find it below.


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