January 4, 2016
Posted by: Cody Bright
Field Staff member Chris Powers kills a nice Iowa Whitetail and then Cody Bright guides his son, Carson, to his first fall turkey. VICTORY OUTDOORS SEASON 4 Episode 14 Don’t miss out on the action subscribe to our YouTube Channel http://bit.ly/1jvQqit
November 16, 2015
Posted by: Curtis Goettsch
Curtis Goettsch has spent most of his time this season behind the camera but in his first hunt out in front, he gets it done on a great Iowa Whitetail, but look at the buck that makes his way to his stand just minutes after his shot. Iowa truly is a bowhunter’s dream. VICTORY OUTDOORS […]
October 21, 2015
Posted by: Cody Bright
As hunters we all know the constant struggle of finding and keeping hunting land available. With the constant selling and leasing land it seems that we are loosing more and more of our favorite whitetail sanctuaries. One way to help keep the properties available for us to enjoy is to show your respect and appreciation […]
September 30, 2015
Posted by: Collin Mann
Difficult, upsetting, frustrating, challenging, motivating, exciting and overall accomplishing are some adjectives that come to mind while filming a hunt. That is what makes hunting so addicting though, is it not? Hunting itself is one of the most beautiful things to me. Then you add additional aspects to it and it becomes more than it […]
July 24, 2015
Posted by: Zac Geith
Ok folks I have a little story of a deer I called “The Freak” and yes I realize how plain that name is but it’s what we called him. The story of this deer was 4 years in the making. On October 30th of 2008 I got a bunch of pics of this 3.5 year […]
July 13, 2015
Posted by: Zac Geith
Summer time prep… With the bow opener in Nebraska kicking off September 1st this year. I’ll be hunting with good friend, field staff member Ryan Warrick. The prep work has just started. Trying to acquire new land to hunt on was the most difficult. I have always found that being honest an respectful to any land owners that you talk […]
February 26, 2015
Posted by: Dan Gorman
By Dan Gorman This time of year is my favorite time to get out and do some scouting to prepare for next deer season. I had a little time last weekend to get out and walk the property to see if there were any shed antlers to be had. I didn’t find any sheds, but […]
February 10, 2015
Posted by: TW Norman
On November 8th of 2014, I was fortunate enough to take my largest whitetail to date. He was a large framed twenty-inch wide nine point with some cool character. I was hunting over a cut cornfield that neighbored a wooly ditch surrounded by CRP. I was hidden well, eighteen feet in the air comfortably sitting […]
December 19, 2014
Posted by: Curtis Goettsch
In this webisode Victory Outdoors’ owner Curtis Goettsch and pro staffer Zac Geith headed to New Jersey the week of December 8th to hunt black bears. Yes New Jersey, they have great numbers of black bears. Curtis and Zac got the invite from Nick Bockbrader, to hunt with his family and friends. Big Thank You […]
December 16, 2014
Posted by: Dan Gorman
In this webisode Victory Outdoors’, pro staffer Dan Gorman uses his TACTCAM to self-film an Iowa Whitetail Kill! 100% filmed with a HD TACTACAM 2.0, See PROMO Code for a great deal on TACTACAM. PROMO CODE: VICTORY VICTORY OUTDOORS SEASON 3 Webisode 24 Don’t miss out on the action subscribe to our YouTube Channel @ http://bit.ly/1jvQqit
December 16, 2014
Posted by: TW Norman
In this webisode Victory Outdoors’, pro staffer TW Norman self-films his Iowa Archery Buck kill! VICTORY OUTDOORS SEASON 3 Webisode 23 Don’t miss out on the action subscribe to our YouTube Channel @ http://bit.ly/1jvQqit
December 16, 2014
Posted by: Jimmie Green
Jimmie Green self-films his Missouri whitetail rife hunt on public hunting land. 100% filmed with a HD TACTACAM 2.0, See PROMO Code for a great deal on TACTACAM. PROMO CODE: VICTORY VICTORY OUTDOORS SEASON 3 Webisode 22 Don’t miss out on the action subscribe to our YouTube Channel @ http://bit.ly/1jvQqit
December 1, 2014
Posted by: Curtis Goettsch
Twisted Timber Treestands overtakes more crooked trees with their new aluminum treestand. (December 1, 2014) Mountain Lake, MN- Twisted Timber Treestands adds to its impressive line-up with the Dominator™ aluminum hang-on stand! The Dominator is based on TTT popular Big Bruiser stand, with the addition of the following features. • Platform area is now increased […]