June 29, 2017
Posted by: Dan Gorman
We went on our first camping trip of the year Memorial Day weekend with some friends. We decided to head up to Backbone state park in northeast Iowa. We had camped here before but it was a rainy weekend that didn’t allow for a lot of exploring. This year the weather was much better, although […]
June 19, 2017
Posted by: Dan Gorman
I normally run my trail cameras year-round, but until this year I’ve never run any waterfowl cameras. This is mainly because I’ve never had a good safe place to run them where the subject matter outweighed the risk of cameras being stolen. Since our new farm has a small pond I figured I would put […]
April 26, 2017
Posted by: Dan Gorman
Spring is here and that means it’s time to look for morel mushrooms. It’s been a few years since we have been able to find any because we didn’t have any good local spots. This year we have been searching the timber at our new house hoping the promise of mushrooms wasn’t just a sly […]
April 6, 2017
Posted by: Dan Gorman
Deer season is over, turkey season is about to began, which for me is an excuse to cook ridiculously impractical comfort food, and one of my favorites is something I call a “Fatty.” The options are nearly endless as to what kind of meat to use and which fillings to stuff it with, but I’ve […]
December 30, 2016
Posted by: Dan Gorman
Many hunters are hopping for a little late season magic, and I’m no different I have two late season Iowa tags. I’m hopeful that one of these bucks gives me an opportunity over the next few weeks. Good Luck to all of you still hunting this late season!
October 22, 2016
Posted by: Dan Gorman
Another deer season is upon us, and I’ve never felt so unprepared. We have zero stands hung on the main property we hunt, and I’ve been so busy lately trying to get ready to move and get my house ready to sell, I’ve barely had time to round up my gear, let alone actually prepare […]
October 19, 2016
Posted by: Dan Gorman
I had a few spare minutes today and a wild hair, so I found a small willow tree and hauled it out to my new farm and “planted” it in the corner of a pasture on a heavily traveled deer trail. I’ve not done one of these before, but I’ve read about them for a […]
August 18, 2016
Posted by: Dan Gorman
This year has really gotten away from me, and I finally pulled camera cards for the first time of the summer. I tried a few new sets this year based off where I saw bucks last year on camera as well as from the stand. This didn’t work out so well for me, as picture […]
August 3, 2016
Posted by: Dan Gorman
Growing up I was very fortunate to be able to take family vacations every year. We would all pile in the car and head to various places throughout the United States and sometimes even into Canada. Being able to see so much of this great country has helped me appreciate not only the places I’ve […]
June 2, 2016
Posted by: Dan Gorman
I had a rough time during the fourth Iowa spring turkey season this year. I was only able to hunt on the weekends, and I only ended up making it out for five or six hunts. The first weekend of the season was a no go due to my wife being out of town Saturday […]
May 4, 2016
Posted by: Dan Gorman
2016 Iowa Second Season Turkey Recap! I was able to get out for a couple hunts last weekend during the second spring turkey season in Iowa. I had to work Friday, but I met Cody at his house to see if we could connect with a gobbler on his way to roost for the evening. […]
February 17, 2016
Posted by: Dan Gorman
It’s cold this weekend. As I lit a fire in the fireplace this morning, I realized I was running dangerously low on our DIY firestarters. We don’t have a lot going on right now, so I decided it would be a good time to replenish the supply. These are simple to make, easy to use, […]
February 12, 2016
Posted by: Dan Gorman
This is the fourth in a series of trail cameras posts we call The Carcass Cam, it will feature pictures from some of our best trail cam contributors, including Pat Howard with his USA Trail Cams and our own Dan Gorman. In this post Dan Gorman is finally getting the pictures he has been after all winter, […]
February 11, 2016
Posted by: Chris Powers
One of the best indoor 3D bow shoots… check that THE BEST. This past Saturday a few of us from Victory Outdoors headed up to West Union, IA to hit up an indoor 3D shoot that I had heard so much about. For the last few years, word has gotten out that there is an […]