Fall and Winter, brings about many changes; cooler temperatures, leaves turning colors, and hunting. It is when the leaves start to change and that air is cool and crisp with the hint of the first frost that I not only start to spend more time in my treestand chasing after America’s most sought after big game species, but it is also when I start preparing myself and Autumn, my red-tailed hawk, for another season of chasing after squirrels and rabbits. I am a falconer, a person who uses a trained bird of prey to hunt wild game in it’s natural state and habitat.

Falconry is an ancient spot, dating back to at least 2000 B.C., showing up in history at about the same time in both Mesopotamia and western Mongolia. It is a highly demanding spot and is considered an art form by many. Falconry is not something that one can pick up and start. It requires state and federal permits, an class system in which one is an apprentice for two years (under the supervision and training of a general or master falconer) yearly inspections of all facilities. It requires the falconer to hunt their birds 3-7 days a week and care for their birds before themselves.

It is also a very rewarding sport, allowing one to hunt in the most ancient of all known hunting forms. As a falconer our permits allow us to trap a juvenile bird (one born this past spring) to hunt with. To many, trapping a wild hawk and bringing it into captivity may seem “cruel”, but in reality 70-80% of all birds born this year will be dead by their first birthday. Life in the wild is harsh and some are simply not able to survive. As a falconry bird their chances of survival sky-rocket and once a falconer is done hunting with their birds they are able to let them go back into the wild without any ill effects on the bird itself. The hawk will have actually gained valuable information on hunting methods, survival and health.

Currently I hunt with a red-tailed hawk named Autumn, who is going on 9 years with me. She chases any wild game but our favorite to hunt is the squirrels of Missouri. She seems to have figured the species out. I also hunt with an American Kestrel, and these tiny falcons are fun to hunt on the European starling and English house sparrow, both destructive and non-native species. I am granted permission into the private lives of birds of prey and would not change it for the world. If you happen upon a falconer ask to join them on a hunt, I can promise you that you will be rewarded for doing so. Happy hunting everyone!